Reply To: Is Newburgh Bouncing Back?

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Hi, while I can’t really offer an opinion on the public health issues of Newburgh I’ll say something regarding your question in the title. Your question makes me think about the Newburgh wave that apparently happens every 5 years. I think there are large differences between those times and this time. For example, there are many businesses that are in place that were not around in the past that are making positive marks on the city such as the Brewery, Atlas Industries, and Safe Harbors of the Hudson. None of them are going anywhere anytime soon and they are pivotal to bringing creative and attractive ventures to the city. The Newburgh Open Studios Tour has been going strong and gave out about 800 maps their last tour. Many artists have inquired about studio space as a result of that. In the past 6 months there have been about 6 new businesses announced on the Liberty Street corridor. Also, not to toot my own horn but the I hope the Newburgh Urban Market will have a positive impact. Warehouses are either being bought or carefully looked at, just like the new Hudson Valley Arts Live venue we are all waiting to see open or 1 Edward with the collapsed roof. So while they are still tons of issues in Newburgh there is definitely a momentum of well-placed individuals making their mark on the city that I don’t think were there before. Lastly there is definitely more positive PR about the city with the addition of all these new ventures. Attend any of the events like the Newburgh Portfolio, Community Conversation, or art events and you will witness for yourself what I am talking about. It’s very exciting.