Reply To: Creative Learning Center

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That survey was pretty old. Since then there have been many new families that have moved to Newburgh. Washington’s HQ has lots of family events. The free kite event in particular draws very large crowds of families with children. Too bad I don’t have a picture of the line of families waiting. I think perhaps the right question might be where should it be located? I want to say Liberty St near to WHQ because there is a municipal lot there and because that is where the momentum is happening, it would be good for it to continue with the added foot traffic. There would actually be things to see to and from visiting the learning center. There is a performing arts academy as well as the Orange County Ballet, all places where you could meet other families to network about offering services to them. The best I can say is to keep up with the events calendar, and when you see a family-friendly, children-friendly event, go and make connections. That’s what it’s all about these days. Wish you the best!

Check out this event that happens yearly: