Reply To: Shop Small / Buy Local Movement?

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Noah, A relative introduced this coupon book to me a couple of years back.
It didn’t ‘do it’ for me, as the offerings weren’t necessarily to my wants and the focus on ‘local’ was mixed (a corp. franchise with a local zip code, not). The portlandbuylocal program seems to have an advantage in those aspects. Personally, coupons are not the determinant I use as a consumer. Local, yes, you better be the real deal. As per Newburgh, I don’t think it’s an awareness issue, more of a perception one. Absolutely, I agree with Cher regarding the growing number of small biz establishments. Yes the colleges, med centers and muni offices are here, but… . I know a lot of people are anxiously waiting to see the aftereffect of the Broadway Corridor project. So far what we know is empirical, drawn from reads such as those provided by Cher. Your arrival time may be fortuitous.