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and you will love Newburgh even more when you will meet us 😉
I wished a smarter person would be answering first all your important questions but I’ll try my best to answer some of them.The problem with the tax in the city of Newburgh is mostly due to the fact that not enough people live there yet,but someone else more informed can help you with details.The crime: I’m still alive,yeah!!! Quite frankly,I used to live in different area in Paris,and one of them was the Marais next to the 11eme arrondissement so I could have been touch by all the craziness that happened those last days,so yes crime is everywhere and some of our Hudson Valley newspapers need to leave us alone with the bad press, because as anywhere else,unless you are directly concerned you don’t feel it.We are really please that mayor Judy Kennedy has been elected again,she is really helpful for small businesses like mine and she is really motivated.Our city manager is great Michael Ciaravino and we are so sorry to see that most of our crazy city council( except for 2 or 3 of them) are trying to destroy him and the positif growing in Newburgh.But that’s a detail cause we are stronger.So more residents like you is all that we need to keep fighting for the best to keep building the city the way we are dreaming it.CBD: 2 of the organizations trying to help are the Newburgh Professional business association and Rethink local. Still relatively new but growing to the right direction. Gay community: you won’t be alone.
So please come visit us soon and step by 87 Liberty street( my studio),right in front of the Washington headquarters. Broadway-Liberty street would be the place to get your lunch,coffee,juice…and Pilates class with me. Take care and we love you already too :-),Angela