Topic Tag: Illuminated
Pics from Illuminated festival, 2016
Hi, all.
Just wanted to share some photos I got of the 2016 Illuminated Festival from the roof of the Karples Manuscript Museum, as well as pics of the surrounding neighborhood from every other conceivable angle!
The story: On the day of the festival, Karples was doing (mostly) unadvertised tours of their current residence, the old Newburgh Savings Bank building. these were of the usually off limits upstairs and basement rooms, not the fabulous main lobby, which is open to the public. There were tours posted for 3:15 and 4:00pm, on a teeny, tiny flier on the side of the building. I didn’t even notice these, and only came to find out about the tour by off chance while I was poking around the intricate elevator doors on my way out of the building. A guide caught me and informed me of the tours.
My girlfriend and I were the only two on the 4:00 tour. We were shown the upstairs rooms, mostly in disrepair, but basically untouched since the bank closed in the 1980s. We were shown a room where the FBI used to meet during the race riots of the 1970s (a board room), bank vaults, and various other banking departments. Not much furniture left, but all of the original granite, and intricate wood trim and plaster work remained intact. Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take pictures of the inside of the building.
Finally, we were taken up to the roof to conclude the tour! We got allot of time to take pictures since there were only two of us, plus the guide. The guide was very enthusiastic about showing us the view.
I knew it was possibly a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I took as many shots of the view as I could.
Hope you enjoy!
Nick DeLessio
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