Creative Learning Center

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Topic: Creative Learning Center

General Newburgh Discussion November 17, 2015 at 11:56 am

Creative Learning Center

Hello All!

My husband and I are planning to move out of NYC within the year and have been looking closely at Orange County. We just began to seriously consider the City of Newburgh and will be visiting later this month and getting to know people/places before we make the leap. In addition to having two small children, I run a creative learning center focused on the arts and literacy for kids from birth to eight years old. We have mommy/daddy and me groups, parent groups, classes (Spanish, Dance, Art, Cooking), an open Play Space, and a variety of other programming for both parents and kids.

In consideration with the move, I am thinking about opening an additional location in Newburgh. For those living in/familiar with the area, would this be something that residents think would be beneficial to the community? Are there a lot of families with young children? (Both for us to meet and mingle with as a family and for the center).

I ask because I read the past business survey results and none of the respondents really mentioned anything related to children except for the children’s theater. Aside from the possible second business location, I am interested in knowing whether there are a sizable number of parents with young children in the city for us to meet, etc.

Thanks in advance – I am looking forward to getting to know the city!

– Riqui

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Hello Riqui
I have a 2 year old son and live and work in the
City of Newburgh and would love to meet you to further discuss possibilities. Please email me and I would be happy to speak more about this.

Hello Riqui,
I have an 8 and 4 years old and I live in Newburgh town but work in Newburgh city in 87 Liberty street (right in front of the Washington Headquarters) and next to Stacie who replied to you earlier. This area is really growing and will definitely need a place for kids.Please contact me at when you’ll come to visit Newburgh and let’s meet.

Yes, I think you would find a demand for the services.

I grew up in the City of Newburgh and lived here during my single years. When I met my husband he decided to move here because Newburgh was so friendly, interesting and bursting with things to do. We’ve since had a son and it’s been wonderful to raise him in this environment. I work at the SUNY campus and there’s a daycare on the main floor, the library offers reading time in a variety of languages, Downing Park and Washington’s HQ are fantastic places for us to walk, etc. I push him all over the city in his carriage, waving to everyone. I attended the schools here and I found that there are two extremes, great opportunities but often a lot of distractions. My brother made the choice to send his children to the Catholic School, Sacred Heart, I haven’t decided if my son will go to public or private school yet. As Newburgh has been improving, the first groups to move in were mostly childless couples but the families are definitely beginning to arrive. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to talk more.

This may give you a soft sense of what the ‘city has and hasn’t.
There isn’t a lack of the age group you want to cater to, so it’s a matter of matching your offerings specifically to Newburgh. Besides, public schools will always leave a creative void needing to be filled 😉


That survey was pretty old. Since then there have been many new families that have moved to Newburgh. Washington’s HQ has lots of family events. The free kite event in particular draws very large crowds of families with children. Too bad I don’t have a picture of the line of families waiting. I think perhaps the right question might be where should it be located? I want to say Liberty St near to WHQ because there is a municipal lot there and because that is where the momentum is happening, it would be good for it to continue with the added foot traffic. There would actually be things to see to and from visiting the learning center. There is a performing arts academy as well as the Orange County Ballet, all places where you could meet other families to network about offering services to them. The best I can say is to keep up with the events calendar, and when you see a family-friendly, children-friendly event, go and make connections. That’s what it’s all about these days. Wish you the best!

Check out this event that happens yearly:

There are lots of families with young children, both in and around Newburgh, in the surrounding areas (i.e., New Windsor) and Beacon, which is only a short 10-15 min. drive across the bridge. I think if marketed properly, you would have decent demand. Would be good to do partnerships w/ the local schools, particularly the Montessoris in Beacon and other progressive/hands-on schools, like Randolph School in Wappingers Falls.

Hello All,

My apologies for my very delayed response. Thank you all for your comments/suggestions – very helpful and much appreciated it. I actually came to visit two weekends ago and spoke/met with some great folks. I will definitely be coming back after the holidays as I continue to structure my plans. Looking forward to being a part of the Newburgh community in the near future. Thanks again!

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