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Classified January 29, 2018 at 4:58 pm

Housing + gardens in Newburgh

Hi there!

My boyfriend and I are thinking of investing in real estate in Newburgh (we’re thinking of being the live in super/landlords). I’ve been really inspired by real estate cooperatives in NYC, communal living spaces and co-ops that create and make use of the green spaces around their properties to provide food and other services to their residents (the Kelly Street Garden in the Bronx comes to mind). This might be a big lift, but seems like an exciting and worthwhile project to take on in Newburgh.
So my question is: Is anything like this happening already in Newburgh? Are there community gardens or urban farms that I can visit? Who should I be talking to?

We’re hopefully coming up to visit on February 10th, so I’d love to check out what’s happening and learn more.

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