The Newburgh Brewing Company just created another addition to their beer offerings, cans! Previously, you could only make a purchase at their taproom or using their growlers. With the addition of these cans they can now look at expanding their distribution in New York and New Jersey. You can purchase 4-packs or 24-can cases in the taproom throughout the month of November.
This is a nice addition to their ever expanding business, and more promotion of the City of Newburgh.
The Newburgh Brewing Company held their very first 5k this past weekend. The weather was beautiful and there were over 200 runners who participated! Runners got to see the beautiful scenery of Newburgh on their trek. The finish line was right at the brewery’s front door. We are hoping this can become a yearly event! Mayor Judy Kennedy and Paul Halayko, COO look like they had a blast.
Most who grow up near New York City dream of trading their suburban life for big city dreams. Chris Basso and Paul Halayko, however, were unlike the average suburbanites: the two 31 year old Washingtonville natives found their dreams not in the big city, but in their home county, Orange. More specifically, they found their dreams in a 160 year old paper-box factory along the Hudson River in Newburgh, NY – 55 miles north of NYC.
Basso, who had been a brewer at the Brooklyn brewery, and Halyako, who had been working in finance, teamed up with Chris Benedetti, who also had a background in finance. The three then set their eyes on Newburgh to start their brewery, Newburgh Brewing Company.
Although Basso asserts that he always had his heart set on brewing in Newburgh, he says that the main thing that drew him upstate was the affordability. Financial realities are a crucial point for a young business. Basso says: “if you were to transplant this exact building and everything that goes with it to Brooklyn… it would’ve been so far out of reach, it would not have been feasible.” But his city-savvy dexterity should pay off, as he believes that “…if you have a little bit of vision and a little bit of money you can come in, take an existing structure and turn it into something.” After all, think of how Williamsburg and Bushwick were before they developed: filled with warehouses and factories, sure – but with lots of potential.
Has the Newburgh Brewing Company only been open one year? It feels like so much longer. They have been open one year, and we hope they stay open for many more years to come! They are certainly a critical factor to the revitalization of Newburgh.
The 1 year anniversary celebration will be at The Wherehouse on Thursday, April 18th. There will be a lot of Newburgh beers and free commemorative 1-year anniversary t-shirts for the first 100 people (designed by American Icon Screen Printing), and great live music.
How cool is this wedding that was held at the Newburgh Brewing Company! It’s so amazing to think that this was an empty building a little over a year and a half ago. Now it’s filled with life. If you’re interested in a Sunday evening wedding, please email
Cooking with Beer! A Delicious and Fun Cooking Class in Newburgh Brewing’s Taproom!
On Saturday, Feb 16th at 11am, we’ll be partnering with Newburgh’s “Pamela’s on the Hudson” for a fun & educational session on cooking & pairing with beer! The session will be run by our own Brewmaster, Christopher Basso (himself a graduate of the French Culinary Institute), and Chef Pamela Resch., or stop into the taproom, if you are interested in participating in this fun event