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With the decrease of river based industries, many cities and towns along the Hudson River faced decline in the 1950’s. Obviously Newburgh was no exception. Revitalizing Hudson Riverfronts is the title of a new guide published by Scenic Hudson, an organization that is dedicated to protecting and restoring the Hudson River. They have an interesting statistic on the current development trends in the Hudson Valley:
“Over the last several decades, the Hudson River Valley’s renaissance has turned it into one of the state’s fastest growing regions. Population in the 10 Hudson riverfront counties increased by nearly 15 percent between 1980 and 2006—roughly 50 percent faster than the state as a whole. Looking ahead, the region is projected to add more than 115,000 people over the next decade.”
With an increase in attention of the preservation of the Hudson River, people are seeing the potential of living in Hudson River Valley towns. Since the start of this blog in 2008 I haven’t really mentioned the proposed plan for the Newburgh Waterfront. We are in a recession right now, and that perhaps is one of the greatest factors that has delayed development. There were also rumors that Leyland Alliance, the developer went bankrupt. However, a press release in Forbes shows that Leyland is still very much active, and about to take part in a multimillion dollar project in Connecticut. Leyland is also still at the forefront of the East Parmenter Street project in Newburgh that is now completing phase 2.
I raise these points not to be controversial, but to show that although the waterfront development might not be the most talked about subject on this blog, it hasn’t been forgotten and Leyland is not out of the picture. A lot of people want to see the project through and guides like the one presented by Scenic Hudson give a glimpse of what a developed and environmentally restored waterfront could be like. On page 29 of the book, the Newburgh-Beacon ferry was even shown as an example of a seamless connection between transportation modes (ferry to Metro North). Scenic Hudson is also still trying to work out the kinks of creating a new riverfront park in Newburgh.
If out of the 115,000 projected new residents to the Hudson Valley in the coming decade, 5,000 come to Newburgh, imagine the change that could take place. Imagine the buildings that could be saved and restored. This guide was made to help local officials, planners, developers, citizen activists, and other stakeholders find common ground in a future vision for waterfront development. Take a look and see what you think. You can see the online version here, or request a printed version by emailing Jeffrey Anzevino at janzevino{at}
So, not that I’m curious, well maybe sort of. I’ve noticed the visitors here at Newburgh Restoration. And, I’ve noticed that many cool people (like yourself) are checking out Newburgh, especially people who live far away in places like Washington, D.C., California, and Ontario, Canada! Even people in the outer boroughs of NYC like Brooklyn, and Manhattan are checking out Newburgh. You are looking at houses for sale, looking up loan information, and finding out about the revitalization going on. So this blog posting is dedicated to all of you out there that are secretly crushing on Newburgh.
Now, I know that some of you might have received a variety of reactions if you have confessed your secret crush on Newburgh, due to it’s past. But, you can’t listen to everyone else’s opinion. If you are excited about Newburgh, go with your gut! Newburgh is a depressed city with a lot of urban blight, so #1 be realistic with what you are expecting. You won’t find the Newburgh of the old glory days because a lot has changed. Nor will the neighborhood instantly change because you have bought a house here. But, what you will find is awesome architecture, priceless character, and a city that is so amazingly set up, you could not plan a better city even if you were to build a new one from scratch. You’ll also find people that are head over in heals in love with their city and are really doing the dirty work of trying to make a change.
If you are interested in Newburgh, # 2 take a drive/train ride and VISIT! You can read every blog, newspaper article, go on the internet and look at all of the pictures in the world of Newburgh, listen to all the rumors and opinions, and you still wouldn’t be able to grasp it all. Newburghers are more than delighted when they meet new people visiting from out of town who are interested in this city. They know about houses for sale before anyone else does, and they know about programs and organizations that you can’t find online. They know what is going on in their city. This blog is intended to highlight the good things going on in Newburgh, but even I can’t write everything on here. There are many plans going on behind the scenes. But, it’s no ancient Chinese secret. Make a visit and hear the great developments that are going on from Newburghers themselves.
Lastly, # 3 don’t expect to see change over night. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it took a while before Park Slope became posh. Any kind of change takes time, but many believe Newburgh is in a spot that the change will only continue to be positive. And, the change will only continue to be positive if preservation minded people like you continue to have an interest in Newburgh. More and more people are being awaken for the need for Newburgh to be preserved. No one wants to see another building tore down from neglect. The city has already lost enough of those as it is. But little by little Newburgh has been changing and will continue to change. In the past decade Newburgh has seen a significant change at the waterfront with the addition of restaurants, night life, and even a film center. Hope is in the air that the development will continue to make it’s way up Broadway. The completion of the college campus- SUNY Orange in Newburgh is a crucial step, as is the restoration of the West Shore Train Station.
So what are you waiting for? Make a trip with your BFF next Saturday and to go to Newburgh. It’s only an hour (give or take some traffic) from midtown Manhattan driving, or just a train & ferry ride away on Metro North. Grab a bite at one of the many eateries in the area. Then head over to Simple Gifts and Goodies for more than delicious home made ice cream and iceys (my friend is still craving his mango icey). Pop in to the rest of the stores and talk to the owners who are in Newburgh for the long haul. Walk down to the riverfront where you will fall in love with the views of the Hudson River and Mount Beacon. Take a drive around and marvel at the architectural diamonds in the rough, yet at the same time cry when you see the ones that are condemned. Surely before you leave, you will have seen a couple of places that you will be itching to do research on. Take a look! And, don’t worry, your secret crush is still a secret with me!
The next Newburgh Crush posting, will feature someone, who after crushing on Newburgh for 21 months finally bought their first home! Stay tuned.
I was day dreaming up an imaginary shop in downtown Newburgh and was thinking of some items that could go in this trendy boutique. And then I thought of “I Heart Newburgh” gear. What better way to represent your neck of the woods? And for those who say, “Go Heart Your Own City” Newburgh is IN NY, so I think Newburgh is part of the original campaign design by Milton Glaser. This could be a great way of getting Newburgh recognized. Maybe one day someone can start a blog: or hmmm?
I especially love the organic cotton totes and shirts that are available at Each piece is hand crafted, so it takes about 5 weeks to get your order. The creators Dane & Dahl have the cutest love story and the cutest pictures to go with it. And best of all…they are made in NYC so you are supporting your fellow NYers.