The real estate agent has some jazz written about how this could be the perfect artist loft, and upscale housing. So anyhow, I began to think about ways artists “dress up” their buildings so that they stand out from the rest-letting people know that they are the new artistic people on the block. And I remembered an article I read in the NY Times about a Malaysian artist that moved to Staten Island.
“With a grant from the Council for the Arts and Humanities of Staten Island, they commissioned the Taiwanese artist Wen-fu Yu to turn the brick facade into a kind of mural. Thousands of duck feathers form a pattern that suggests ivy climbing the outside of the building….Mr. Tan said no one has complained about the intrusion of contemporary art into a residential neighborhood. “People stop in front of it,” Mr. Tan said, “and say, ‘When can you come do my house?'”
Ok, so not that I think these feathers are great looking (maybe I just need better photos to see better), but the point is his mural makes a statement and it lets the neighbors know that there is an artistic citizen in town and it provokes thought. I think that is great, and it diversifies things. So in looking at the apartment above…I can imagine something that would have the same effect-as long as it does not effect the historical integrity of the house. Modern house numbers can also create this effect