Walkway Over the Hudson’s grand opening will be Saturday, October 3rd. This is a walkway that connects the City of Poughkeepsie in Dutchess County with the Town of Lloyd in Ulster County, New York. In celebration of this event, there are some things going on in Newburgh.
Pride of the Hudson will depart from Newburgh for a cruise today, October 2nd at 5:30-10:15pm. There will be a lantern release and fireworks. You may bring your own food, but no beverages, and food is for sale.
PT728 will be on the Newburgh waterfront on Sunday October 4th for free public tours (and two “torpedo runs” for veterans and their families) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT 728 is the only surviving US-built Vosper designed hull.