It’s so nice to get mail like these once in a while (blush). I thought I would just share a few of the many emails I receive from people who are also looking at what is going on in Newburgh. I really appreciate the kind words. Don’t worry, if you send me an email I don’t usually share them with anybody. But these emails are something positive and show that people are interested in Newburgh. No harm there. THANKS to all of you!
Hello! I just discovered your blog and LOVE IT! We currently live in Brooklyn, NY and are considering a move to Newburgh, NY. We’ve been house hunting for several months and have fallen in love with not one but TWO homes in historic Newburgh!…I so appreciate your blog and advocacy for such a beautiful area!-K.
Keep up the great work on a great blog. -R.
I wanted to write to you and say that I love your blog!!!! I love going antiquing in Newburgh. I Love the Hudson Valley ever since I went to the CIA. When we are ready to buy we will be look in Newburgh! Please let me know if there is any thing I can do to help. I would love to be Party of the historical society!-E.
I accidentally came across your web page and through it found out about the new bakery and souvenir shops on Liberty Street. Enjoyed looking at your blog and will check back to it. Great to see positive Newburgh. – L.
OMG Love your blog! So great… I visited Newburgh and did a “Newburgh for Newcomers Day”. Met lots of great people, and you have such a gorgeous location. Newburgh is going to be so cool once it’s done. All these Hudson river towns are so nice. – J.
Congrats on the blog – it’s great! I’m recently moving to Newburgh with my partner (who’s from the area) and we enjoy a lot of the local eateries that Newburgh has to offer. – A.
Hi, just came across your blog. I love what you’re doing with Newburgh Restoration. – N.