Back to the story. Remember back in September when Newburgh Restoration told you about the Neighborhood Foundation Celebration of the East Parmenter neighborhood? Well things are taking off! Remember what this exact same corner used to look like?
Leyland Alliance and Habitat for Humanity have pulled these homes together in very little time. And it’s just the start. Eventually there will be more homes built on this street according to their neighborhood master plan. The plan includes two pocket parks, historically-designed street lamps, underground utilities and city water and sewer. Only sixteen residences will be available for purchase. They are targeting the neighborhood to “teachers and fire or police professionals.” As well as the “creative class of artists, writers, entrepreneurs and boomers.” Click here for photos during the construction.
This was a scary street to be on before. But, with the hope of new families moving in, things could drastically change on this small block. It’s also right down the street from Washington’s Headquarters, Habitat’s ReStore, and all the shops on Liberty Street. It’s also very close to the Ritz Theater. We will be following this closely to see how this project develops.
Check out the following link to see more examples of Newburgh Real Estate.
Here's a great article on the dedication of these homes! http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100419/NEWS/4190323/-1/SITEMAP
"They're bringing it back (Newburgh)"!
The completion and habitation of these homes at this moment of time is quite profound. Stephanie's not the only one holding back joyful tears. Congratulations to the new families in the neighborhood and thanks to all the volunteers at Habitats!
I dont know much about massive undertaking projects such as these, but one can only say wow at the transformation. Question: Why not plant Some beautiful young trees? Is it because powerlines are still being defined? A street like this should carry on a nice tree. Brings in good shade and it makes the block look splendid.
If you look at the "master plan" link above, you can see where the trees have been planned out. Other than that I think the front yards don't allow for much more than a small garden. But there are enough trees around. The trees will look fuller once all leaves bloom.
Habitat is one of the best organizations in Newburgh.