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Does your historic home need an update? Residents or property owners in the City of Newburgh may soon find it more affordable to make repairs on their older homes, through the New York State Historic Homeownership Rehabilitation Tax Credit. Learn more about how you might qualify for historic tax credits at a free workshop, Saturday, Sept. 25 from 10 a.m.noon in the Board of Education auditorium at Newburgh Free Library, 124 Grand Street. The workshop is sponsored by the City of Newburgh Department of Planning and Development, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (SHPO), and the Newburgh Free Library.
The workshop will be presented by Sloane Bullough of the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). She will discuss how, for eligible properties, the NYS Historic Residential Properties Tax Credit Program can cover 20% of qualified rehabilitation costs of owneroccupied historic houses up to a credit value of $50,000. “This is a great time to fix a leaking roof, replace drafty windows, or repair the front porch. This tax credit can help homeowners provide safer and healthier homes for their families, and protect their investment for years to come,” said Lynn Eberle, Historic Preservation Officer for the City of Newburgh.
Light refreshments will be served. Please RSVP to Lynn Eberle at (845) 5699400, x 208.