SUNY Orange Faculty, Staff, Students, and the public can unite with over 100,000 people and join the Global Critic’s Circle when the MANHATTAN SHORT FILM FESTIVAL comes to the Newburgh Campus of SUNY Orange!! Screenings of 10 internationally acclaimed short films will take place on , Tuesday, September 27, 2011t 7pm in the Great Room, Kaplan Hall 101, with a second screening at the Downing Film Theater on Saturday, October 1 at 5pm. Admission is free with student ID, $5 for faculty/staff and the public.
This year the Festival received 598 Entries from 48 Countries and of these Manhattan Short selected 10 Films which are Finalists for this year’s Festival . These Films will screen over 700 times in over 200 Cities spanning 6 Continents during One Week, and you can be a part of it!
You Be The Judge! Audiences at each venue will be handed a voting card and asked to vote for the ONE Film they think should win. Votes will be sent to MANHATTAN SHORT HQ where the winner will be announced on October 2nd at 10pm and posted on our website at MANHATTAN SHORT is your chance to not only see the next generation of filmmakers from around the world, but to vote on them as well.
Some past Finalists have gone on to achieve Oscar Nominations and have even won the coveted Oscar in the “Short Film” category and moved into the feature film industry.