In order to prepare its 2013 Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan, the City of Newburgh City Council will hold a public hearing on August 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Activity Center 400 Washington St.
The purpose of this public hearing will be to obtain citizens’ views on the City’s housing and community development needs, including priority non-housing community development needs.
The Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan is intended to be a 3-5 year strategic plan that brings needs and resources together in a coordinated housing and community development strategy. This strategy must be developed to achieve the following statutory goals, principally for low, very low-, and extremely low-income residents:
– Infrastructure Improvements
– Economic Development & Job Creation
– Public Services; and
– Rehabilitation of Private Property
The City of Newburgh is currently operating under a 5 year Consolidated Plan that was approved in 2010. This strategic plan guides the City’s utilization of various public and private resources, in compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) formula programs. These CPD programs include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
Each year the City formulates an action plan for one-year use of funds aimed at implementing the strategies of the Consolidated Plan. The City of Newburgh anticipates receiving a CDBG entitlement allocation of approximately $650,000 for Fiscal Year 2013 which will be included in this year’s action plan.