Even though the weather outside may be chilly at Washington’s Headquarters State Historic Site the atmosphere inside is quite warm, welcoming and delightful. Come to the annual Open House and “Warm Up at the Washingtons” on Sunday, December 9th, 12:00 PM until 4:00 PM and see for yourself.
See the same rooms the Washingtons saw decorated in 18th Century seasonal style. Hear the sounds of 18th Century music performed by the Salmagundi Consort. Touch the floors upon which the General and Mrs. Washington trod. Taste the cookies. Smell the hot mulled cider brewing over an outdoor fire. The whole experience is a delight for the senses and a charming way to begin the season.
Historic interpreters will be present in each room explaining how the Washingtons observed this season of 1782, their final winter headquarters during the Revolutionary War. The ambiance will propel you back into a simpler time devoid of holiday shopping, crowded stores and heavy traffic.
When you leave, consider visiting some of the other houses that are part of the Historical Society of Newburgh Bay and the Hudson Highlands Candlelight Tour.