BUZZZ…from the “BURGH” A monthly feature highlighting people, current events & stories with roots to Newburgh, that have affected mainstream media.
As a major weather event is heading towards the northeast promising a SIZABLE snowfall locally by the weekend, this month’s Buzzz caters to those NEWBURGH RESTORATION followers who not only find skiing a passion, but a way of life.
To those that may not be aware, Newburgh is where Olympic skier Thomas Vonn was born and raised, in a classic 1920’s home, just a historic hop & skip from the city’s northern border, where his parents still reside.
Vonn’s best skiing performance was during the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City where he finished 9th in the Downhilll. But it was during those Olympic games that he met the budding superstar (who he would start to coach and later became his wife in 2007), Lindsey Vonn.
For those that follow skiing (and unless you’ve lived under a snow drift the last 6 years lol), Lindsey Vonn has gone on to become the most decorated woman in US Skiing history, a multi gold medal Olympic winner and the media darling of major skiing and social events since then.
Lindsey Vonn once again made national news ( just two days ago) when she was competing during the Super-G at the Alpine Ski World Championships in Schladming, Austria where she unfortunately crashed during her downhill performance, had to be airlifted and sustained injuries that sadly has now put her career on hold for the season. But all positive indications is that her amazing career is far from over. What is over is that after a separation in 2011, the Vonns have finalized a divorce just this past January.
I’m sure all NEWBURGH RESTORATION readers wish Lindsey Vonn a “speedy restoration process” regarding her injuries so that she can continue her outstanding skiing career and continuing to build her place in history that she is so destined for. And if any readers plan to hit the slopes soon after the snow stops on Saturday….enjoy those amazing upstate trails, stay warm and ski safely!!!
Just an FYI – Thomas and Lindsey are no longer together…