Say it ain’t so! Neighborhood favorite, Caffe Macchiato made this announcement on Facebook yesterday. Now would be a better time than any for you entrepreneurs out there to put into action your plans of opening up a business on Liberty Street.
Dear friends and customers,
You’ve probably heard many rumors that the cafe is closing down. They are not true! We are open and stronger then ever.
However, Edwine, Ines and I will relocate to Florida sometime next year ( we will let everybody know when closer to the time). It has been, and continues to be, a good experience serving all of you, but we are happy to take this opportunity for a new direction in our life. In the meantime, please stop by the cafe and continue to support us.
You may be asking “will the cafe eventually close?” The answer is “Yes” — if we don’t find a buyer we will have to close. After 9 years in Newburgh I know this would be a loss for the community, especially for those of you who have been with us from the beginning, but we have made our decision.
So, Keep in mind the cafe is for sale and if you are interested or if you know someone let me know I will be more than happy to teach you all our secrets!!!LOVE AND PEACE
Edwine, Ines and Barbara
– Photo via Newburgh Restoration flickr pool user Amanda Jillian