Stonegate Farm, in the town of Newburgh, is three acres of innovative, organic, heirloom variety farming right on River Rd., in the residential neighborhood of Balmville. The owner, Matthew Benson, a photographer, author and agricultural philosopher as well as a working farmer, believes that in a perfect world every neighborhood should have access to its own farm.
Stonegate is a testimonial to the possible. A derelict property several years ago, the lushly landscaped acreage is now an extraordinarily beautiful compound of large and small buildings, unusual varieties of precisely planted produce, fruit trees and bushes, chickens who roam freely throughout the grounds, and bees who create their honey in houses worthy of its Queens. In the summer, Stonegate is a vegetable, fruit and flower CSA (this year there are 38 shareholders) and this Saturday, June 15, the Farm is hosting it annual potluck dinner and barn band party, featuring the indie band, The Mommyheads. Admission to the potluck dinner at 6:30 and The Mommyheads barn concert at 8 is– Bring a dish!
On Saturday morning, kids 4-8, from 10:30-11:30, can join a $10 tour of the farm with Farmer Sarah to learn how veggies grow. Stone gate is at 4 Stonegate Drive (off River Rd.) in Balmville. For more information, and to sign up for the kids’ tour: