This is a home located on the corner of First Street and N. Robinson Ave (9W). It looks like it has been vacant for quite some time. Tax records have it listed as a two family home and the owner lives in Wallkill, NY. Please sell or give away this home to someone who would restore it. For inspiration for what this home could look like check out this other home in Newburgh for sale that has been restored beautifully.
There are over 700 abandoned or vacant homes in Newburgh. Habitation of these homes is vital to Newburgh’s future.
316 First St Newburgh NY Google Map
I remember this house wow
I remember this house wow
The city of Newburgh is derelict in controlling its properties. Anyone not maintaining their property should lose that property AND be fined severely. If there isn’t a law on the books there should be. Newburgh has the second largest historic district in New York. The city council has for decades been remiss in sustaining that honor. Blacktopping Liberty St. is a perfect example of that. A street that was paved in the thirties still existing even though the city patches whatever excavation is done with blacktop that has an extremely short life span. Why not replace the damn bricks that they took out? It does not take a rocket scientist to put those bricks back.
The city of Newburgh is derelict in controlling its properties. Anyone not maintaining their property should lose that property AND be fined severely. If there isn’t a law on the books there should be. Newburgh has the second largest historic district in New York. The city council has for decades been remiss in sustaining that honor. Blacktopping Liberty St. is a perfect example of that. A street that was paved in the thirties still existing even though the city patches whatever excavation is done with blacktop that has an extremely short life span. Why not replace the damn bricks that they took out? It does not take a rocket scientist to put those bricks back.
My grandparents lived at 274 first street in the home that my grandmothers GRANDFATHER built in the late 1890s – as a child in the fifties I remember 316 First Street as a lovely home owned by the Murphy family – the deterioration of First Street is appalling – and was totally unnecessary- the once lovely 316 is now a basic teardown- having said that – I do appreciate the newburgh restoration group for their efforts at restoring the properties – I agree with mr. cerone – the property owners should be fined for allowing these homes to decline into slums – and the TENANTS should be thoroughly screened prior to offering them a lease – and to be quite honest – the entity in newburgh that is buying these homes and turning them into welfare properties is also to blame. The corruption in newburgh with regard to these properties is beyond words. Again – thank you newburgh Restoration for at least attempting to rectify the situation.
this home is ideal for restoration and accommodation of the family