Ann Street is home to many modest houses. They are all in various stages of debilitation or rehabilitation. This house, #82 has been secured with a lock and is in dire need or rehabilitation. It is one of my favorite homes on this small section of Ann Street in between Grand and Liberty Street. One can only guess what work is needed in the interior, but the exterior has nice woodwork that looks like it has been painted about 20 times. And if you look closely, it looks like there is original clapboard underneath that puke-pink/grey painted siding.
There are already three homes across the street that have had the siding redone. According to records, this home sold for $9,000 last year! However, today it sits empty. This house is in an ideal central location in Newburgh. Saving this home should be a no brainer. There are over 700 abandoned or vacant homes in Newburgh. Habitation of these homes is vital to Newburgh’s future.
82 Ann St Newburgh NY Google Map