Building on the success of the 2013 Orange County Gun Buyback, where 143 guns were turned in locally, City of Newburgh Police will continue to accept weapons from the public. Please call Lt. Pete Leach directly at (845) 569-7532 to arrange an appointment to drop off your gun or for it to be picked up.
Councilman Curlie Dillard, who spearheaded the City’s gun buyback program noted, “We are encouraged by the public’s response and the number of weapons turned in earlier. It is not only the gun on the street, but the unattended or forgotten gun in the home that is of concern. I commend the City of Newburgh Police Department’s commitment to continuing this important effort.”
Police Chief Michael Ferrara commented, “Removing weapons from the home that could possibly be used in an accidental or unintentional act of violence is just one more way to help make a community safer. We are pleased to continue to offer this service to our residents, and to work cooperatively with them.”
Photo by Jillian Elder, Victory Designs