In between the original Newburgh waterfront and the one we have today, there was a waterfront that was barren and burned out. I have been told it was a place to go if you were up to no good. This is before the restaurants and residences that line it today. We still have a long way to go connecting people to the waterfront but this picture makes you realize how far we have come. Do any of you remember it this way? What was it like?
Thanks Richie for sharing!
Photos by NR flickr pool user Richie 59
It’s very different from then to today. It was interesting being there during the late 80’s to the early to mid 90’s
Yup me and my friends used to chill down there all the time
Water Street was the Main Business District with Penney’s, Schoonmakers; dress shops; pharmacies; shoe stores; Woolworths; and Silver’s Antique Store; and lots of other services like dentists, etc. They called it “Urban Renewal” and bulldozed the street; but the “Renewal” never came…..this was in 1960 or so.
Used go there allot in summer in hope to catch a cooler breeze coming off the river, since we had no ac
I rode my bike there everyday in 1991.
It was jumpin back in the day when I was a lil kid.. Sooo many stores !
I remember stores n people walking alotta traffic talking to people u knew on the sidewalk having lunch in a resterant the big boats docked. Good times .its all gone
Good to see the comparisons. I remember it well. Notice there’s not much difference? New lights but still overgrown grass on the sidewalks- and no crosswalks or safe ways to cross. The obvious has been completely ignored by the powers that be. The desire to connect the waterfront has always been a bunch of empty talk. Although I was excited to take the ferry instead of driving to a parking lot at a train station when I commuted, I took my life in my hands twice a day every time I crossed that street. That we have to fight for such an obvious needed solution- that has existed for the 25 years I’ve been here- is a glaring example of how far we haven’t come.