A rainbow over the frozen Newburgh Bay. Photo © Christa Ocker. The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue.
Moody’s boosts City of Newburgh bond rating [THR]
What Main Street Can Teach Us About Sustainable Preservation [Preservation Nation Blog]
Why Downtown Development May Be More Affordable Than The Suburbs [Forbes]
The Keys to Philadelphia’s Land Bank Success [Urban Direction Blog]
A Small City’s Quest for A Walkable Downtown [Cross Cut]
Why Andrés Duany Is So Focused on Making ‘Lean Urbanism’ a Thing [Atlantic Cities]
Growing An Urban Neighborhood, One Store At A Time [NPR]
Habitat Volunteer Fair
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forgot to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise I can’t use them**