The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. “Boxer Girl” Ph
Newburgh Mid-Broadway project developers ready to move forward [Mid Hudson News]
Newburgh Land Bank asked to help preserve Dutch Church [THR]
Merchant launches shuttle service to bring visitors to ‘ignored’ Maryland Avenue [Capital Gazette]
Citizens group wants Newburgh council to oppose “dirty” crude oil [Mid Hudson News]
Newburgh police receive training in identifying security threats in city structures [THR]
How to Make an Attractive City -Video [School of Life]
Downtown Restaurants: the Cornerstones for Strong Entertainment and Hospitality Niches and a Vibrant Central Social District [DANTH]
Cities are coming back, but urban poverty remains an immense challenge [Better! Cities & Towns]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forgot to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise I can’t use them**
It’s not the ”dirty” oil itself that makes it dangerous , rather the condensates that accompany it from the wells, i.e. propane, butane etc.. The rail cars are actually up to standards with regards to transporting the conventional heavier oil, it’s these lighter hydrocarbons that make them the equivalent of 150 ton BIC lighters.
‘Cities are coming back…’, “I don’t have the research to back this up, but intuitively I believe that urban decline was far more precipitous between 1970 and 1990 than it has been since then.” ‘Interesting comment when you consider the U.S. has lost over a third of its manufacturing jobs and a quarter of its high-tech jobs since 2000. Blame the decline(s) on ‘job sprawl’. The smaller cities should see a small resurgence due to a demand for housing by the higher educated work force commuting to the metro centers. However, there’s a huge void left to be filled and infrastructure has been neglected in these out lining urban areas. It should be interesting to see how much discretion the new urban pioneers have.
-btw Commodore Chocolatier was packed today, nice to see.
Thanks for the reads Cher…