The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by NR flick pool user
More Alices [Upstater]
Hidden History [Metroland]
Más artistas se mudan al Valle de Hudson [La Voz]
Newburgh residents to be focus of documentary film [THR]
Former Goshen FBI office moves to new $4.5M building at Stewart Airport [THR]
Bad Commutes Make an Economy Worse [Chicago Mag]
Furnituremaker Atlas Industries Introduces a Chic New Line of Beds [Architectural Digest]
For Cities, Big-Box Stores Are Becoming Even More of a Terrible Deal [Institute for Local Self Resilience]
Why American Companies are Moving Downtown (full PDF report) [Smart Growth America]
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-lol, I happen be driving past on Liberty Street when that photo-op of Dmitri Kasternine was being taking. At the time I thought it odd as the temperature was in the 70’s and here was this guy standing in the vacant lot dressed for winter. I had him pegged for a local and didn’t give it a second thought. I understand how residents became ‘used to him’. Good for him.
-If the demand for low skilled work was not being met by the “concentration of wealth” than shouldn’t that determine that wage growth would increase to attract an outside supply, making the cost of commuting a wash? The article cites the absence of parenting as a reason for perpetuating income inequality yet acknowledges that one may need to commute to afford the opportunity to advance. The same circular logic led to the growth of the ‘Big Box’ stores; cheap goods are good for the consumer with a diminished manufacturing base. Good luck with that.
-“And finally, companies noted that a clean, safe downtown was a fundamental requirement for their choice of where to move.” ‘Describing their location as “gritty’ was the exception not the rule’ (from the core-value link). Sounds like mild ‘gentrification’ is a prerequisite.