This is another property from the City of Newburgh’s Planning and Development Department in Colonial Terraces. This nice neighborhood is often referred to the “garden spot” of Newburgh. Colonial Terraces was built in 1917 to house workers of the Newburgh ship yards during Word War I. It was constructed during the winter from October to April at the height of the Spanish Flu epidemic. You can see historic photos of the construction phase here.
“5 Bush Avenue is located in the heart of Colonial Terrace in the City of Newburgh. The building currently houses two small businesses on the first floor and has two spacious apartments on the second floor. The building – in a prime location overlooking Clinton Square – was constructed in 1918. This commanding brick building boasts a total of 3460 square feet – 1730sf on each floor. It is currently assessed at a full market value of $270,200. But the City of Newburgh is only asking a minimum asking price of $189,140. All reasonable and qualified offers will be considered. For more information, first consult the City of Newburgh’s website – – and click on the link on the left side of the home page titled “Buying Property From the City of Newburgh”. If you have any additional questions, call the Department of Planning and Development at 845-569-7400.”
5 Bush Avenue Newburgh NY
Asking Price: $189,140*
Google Map
* This is the minimum price. The City of Newburgh will also entertain bids above the asking price. All interested purchasers need to submit a PODA (Private Owner Development Application) . The application is available on-line and at the City of Newburgh’s Planning & Development Office, 83 Broadway, Newburgh, NY. For additional information call: 845-569-7400.
Anyone who is considering this property should know that diagonally across from it is a deli which is a drug hang out. Usually 1-2 dealers are in front at all hours of the day and night. Unfortunately, a young man who had just graduated high school was shot dead several months ago. As with everything in Newburgh, be careful with your locations.