The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by HB.
Want to Learn Historic Restoration? [CB]
You don’t need transit to build a walkable place [ST]
Seattle Group Wants to Bring Back Historic Trolleys [NC]
Challenging the Cappuccino City: Part 1: A New Premise? [CC]
Restoration Work Underway at the Old Town Hall in Brewster [BHH]
New York ranks in top 3 most moved-out-of states for 7th year in a row [CNYC]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forget to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise, I can’t use them** Please do not take photos for your own use without consulting the photographer.
The three part critique about gentrification, “conveniently dismisses America’s legacy of constitutionally implemented, segregationist housing policies” inflationary effect on housing costs sans any gentrification or as the author claims “the more likely culprit of neighborhood change” (see Newburgh, NY). As per the “theft of pride” narrative, it’s a cop out. It takes zero dollars on an individual’s part to not litter, to not vandalize one’s community, to act civil. You can’t blame HUD for that. While the author asserts ‘treating neighborhoods as components of regional ecosystems’ is a novel idea, apparently NYS continues to bleed residents because “more fair” policies have not equated to more opportunities. So, Alex Baca…assets seek opportunity, not the other way around (see i.e. Newburgh Sash and Restoration).