A long neglected building on Broadway has a new owner. He shared this rendering with me with regards to his plans to renovate this building. This will be a monumental task. As some of you might remember, Chambers Street was closed off for many months due to falling bricks from the facade.
The owner is open to ideas. Do you think this building would do well with offices to professionals needing space? Apartments? Live/work? The ground floor would remain retail.
This building would anchor the north side of Broadway between Chambers Street and Liberty, now with the project at 96 Broadway underway and a restaurant coming to the ground floor.
This news is great!!!!!!
Can’t wait to see it done.
I suggest apartments above the retail space.
This would be great! I think office space in the heart of downtown is much needed!
Live work space has by far the greatest demand if the ceilings are high enough for a loft style feel. I know. I have such buildings and am using them as commercial only, but I get asked all the time if the can be lived in also.
Good luck. The last retail use was an army navy store. Still remember the mannequins with the army fatigues.
Oh it would be so cool if they could recreate those crooks signs! Tie in the building’s history! 🙂
This was my grandfather’s and great grandfather’s building since 1888. I am soo happy someone will rehabilitate it! i have some history of the building and my ancestors ownership of it if you are interested.
Newburgh is such a beautiful city !