The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by HB
Newburgh street cams keeping lid on crime [MHN]
Newburgh ferry lease extended through June [THR]
8 ways New Rochelle is trying to attract millennials [LH]
Newburgh Tickets or Tows Nearly 1,000 Vehicles to Enforce Snow Emergency Parking Rules [SN]
Norwegian Air is closing several of their crew and pilot bases as part of a plan to control costs [IC]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forget to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise, I can’t use them** Please do not take photos for your own use without consulting the photographer.
Tying it together- How many of the street cams can be used for ‘place management’, i.e. issuing a heads up to the initial peeps to not move their cars, before the whole street gets on the “common sense” bandwagon? Now that Newburgh has LED street lighting, it’s an easy ramp up from the current 35 street cams. Some cities have already made the LED to “live” conversion as they provide “power, ubiquity, and the perfect elevation to capture a lot of important data,”. As in their uplifted brethren LED streetlights, the boots on the ground smart benches and wi-fi kiosks are part of the “network”. The roll out of 5G amplifies the smart grid (in addition to adding its own issues). Providing further momentum to the “smart city” train is the revenue streams it can provide to the states and municipalities through fees, licensing and taxing. Gambling and zoning laws are being rewritten to accommodate e-sport cafes and smart street “furniture”. For better or worse…