The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by Brian Wolfe
- Don’t halt Albany’s rise [TU]
- Habitat Newburgh dedicates 96th home [MHN]
- Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center gets state funding [MHN]
- Newburgh housing study gets $150K in funding [THR]
- Newburgh’s in bloom with new transplants from NYC area [THR]
- NYC’s Controversial New Rent Measures Could Spread To The Rest Of The State [NPR]
- Lawmakers Propose ‘Neighborhood Homes’ Tax Credit to Spur Rehabs, Revitalize Communities [LISC]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forget to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise, I can’t use them** Please do not take photos for your own use without consulting the photographer.
NHIAs, universal rent control and a tbtf funding a “housing study”…smells like the ‘Big Boxing’ of neighborhoods, imo. So which is it Newburgh…will you double down on the “disenfranchised city” meme and sell out to ivory tower $s and their community building or go forward on the “blooming place to live buzz” and process with the increasing private capital transplanting themselves into what they perceive as a turn key community?
Despite all the big$ investments in Albany, the area has a 25-50% +- poverty rate. Something doesn’t jibe.
Just because…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euMNVyuqmwo&list=RDovhytbQJf_k&index=6
You know the answer as well I do, Walt. These shiny objects are taxpayer funded paths to even more unaffordable housing and bigger profits for developers that won’t have to pick up the pieces when it all collapses. Politicians doing us “favors” with our own taxes as usual.
You mean the shared “supporters” are not just coincidence? Hmmm…and housing starts are half of what they were in ’06.
https://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/indusclient.php?id=F10&year=2018 (or the long way https://soprweb.senate.gov/index.cfm?event=selectFields&reset=1)
Since surrounding municipalities are looking to follow their lead in rental housing, NYC proposed legislation includes: A04963 lose exemptions for vacant store front property (despite the fact that the former tenant could no longer afford the higher property tax which, apparently, the owner of the building is supposed to eat); A06409 reduce the maximum annual rent increase for rent controlled apartments (apparently the low bs cpi# isn’t, tell that to your plumber the next time he hands you a bill); A06527 no rent increase offset for major capital improvements for buildings at least 50% rent controlled (get with the program or lose it); A07165 rent “controlled” becomes rent “stabilized”; A07223 an owner of multiple buildings is to be a “licensed” manager or hire one (more costs without the offset for training); A07317 pay an increased “housing” fee or be precluded from collecting any rent increase; A07349 fuel pass-along costs for rent controlled units are prohibited…