A passionate group of Newburgh residents and supporters gathered Friday to announce the formation of the City’s first non-profit organization with a mission to plan, protect, restore and enhance parks, community gardens, trails and watersheds in the Greater Newburgh Area.
The Greater Newburgh Parks Conservancy – GNPC – aims to ensure that recreational greenspace is available within easy walking distance (a 10-minute walk) of every household within the City, and envisions all residents of the Greater Newburgh area having easily accessible parks within a short walk, drive, ride on public transportation.
“GNPC will foster public, private and non-profit partnerships to amplify the efforts of allied groups and engage communities to identify and pursue their own parks and greenspace priorities. We will work with community organizations and the public, linking nature and neighborhoods, thereby enhancing community well-being as well as community and social justice,” noted Board Chair, Kathy Lawrence.
Board member and long-time parks advocate Wilbur Higgins added, “The Conservancy will raise money for municipal parks in the City of Newburgh, and assist in the development of publicly-accessible projects that further the Conservancy’s vision for greenspace, community gardens, and street trees throughout the City of Newburgh and surrounding communities.”
In 2020, the Conservancy will expand its Board of Directors, continue monthly convening of representatives from various stakeholder groups including the Downing Park Planning Committee, Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance, and refine its plan of work with diverse stakeholders and community engagement events.
Interested organizations or residents are welcome to contact the GNPC for more information, or follow us on Facebook or at our website to hear of upcoming public meetings.