One of Newburgh’s oldest buildings with some of the richest early American history is in danger of destruction according to the New York History Blog. But there is still time left. Weigand’s Tavern is located at 326 Liberty Street, at the Northwest corner of the Old Town Cemetery. According to the blog, “it is a relic of the American Revolution where many Revolutionary notables spent time.”
Efforts in the past to revitalize the building have come and gone various times throughout the past decades. Although the structure is in horrible shape and probably has very little to no historical details inside, this building is vital to Newburgh’s history linking it to the Palatine’s and the Revolutionary War.
The blog mentions that the property is in private hands. However, Orange County records show that in 2012 the property was sold back to the City of Newburgh for $15. If you love old buildings with rich stories and want to save one of Newburgh’s treasures before it is gone forever, this is an excellent candidate.
Photo: Weigand’s Tavern as it appears today (courtesy A.J. Schenkman)
Hi, who to contact about this building?
Hello, I’m actually interested as well, who could I talk to about the building. Do you know if it was still in use (as an event space?). I own a bar in Brooklyn and have friends who moved to Newburgh 2 years ago… Been thinking seriously about moving, starting a business there…
Amazing blog you keep!
This building is not the original tavern. NY SHIPO verified the building is early 19th century due in part to the building construction. My understanding the original tavern was closer to Broadway.
Can you tell us more about the construction clues?
The original tavern was on Broad Street, I believe. The tavern was moved twice (?) it was placed in it’s current location in the 1930’s (?). It’s either newer or it was reconstructed so much that not much of the original is left. I don’t think that’s a reason not to repair it though. There’s enough Washington history associated with this city to justify continuing the legacy of Weygant’s Tavern (Colonial Williamsburg, for instance, does a lot more with a lot less). If anyone out there is looking to fix up an early and significant home, take a look at Reeve House on the corner of South and Montgomery. That house also needs a hero.
I’ve been looking at this building for a few years now. The For Sale sign on it had an outrageous price…I think something like $265,000. I would love to buy it if it can be had for a reasonable price, but how does one go about doing that? It hasn’t been offered in any of the city auctions…though maybe it was sold back after the last one? My grandfather actually worked on this building for free back in the early 70’s…painted the inside, etc. I think it was for a historical society tour.
This just got put on the city’s August property list, could be your chance,965101
Same ol’ Same ol’?
The history here is so intriguing!
I would bet that if there were someone interested and willing to restore or rehab it, the city could transfer it to the Land Bank for that purpose and the land bank then turn it over to the prospective new owner.
The Land Bank was created precisely to help the city dispose of properties to parties who had the means and the ability and interest to bring distressed properties like these back to life.
I would contact Madeline Fletcher at the Land Bank to see if this type of transfer of property could happen. It would, of course, require city council approval, as all city owned properties require…Once that was accomplished, the interested party then would present their plan to the Land Bank for approval to start the process.
I can’t promise this will work…but it seems possible.
Thanks for the information Hannah. I will look into it.
GREAT suggestion Hannah!!!
Hi Everyone,
I received some info from someone from the NPA. This property is indeed owned by the city:
It has some serious structural issues in the foundation- the street side wall is collapsing inward. It would take a lot of money to restore since it’s a frame building.
According to Bonnie at Economic Development office at City Hall – 845 569 7387, the owner sold it to the city for $15.00, and it’s assessed at $21,600. The person to contact about buying it would be Bonnie at the number above.
Wish I could buy and restore my ancestor’s property. The area appears beyond saving without government help.
Weigand’s Tavern building at the northwest corner of Old Town Cemetery is Martin Weigand’s second tavern. His original colonial tavern was on the north side of Broad Street just east of Liberty. That first structure was a log cabin enlarged with a clapboard addition. When Weigand built his new tavern at the foot of Gidney Avenue during the War for Independence, his old Broad Street home and tavern was used by General Anthony Wayne. That Broad Street home is also where General John Wool was born and lived as a small boy. Wool served in the army from the War of 1812 through the Civil War with a long and fascinating career, including heroics in the Mexican War and sadness commanding troops moving the Cherokee away from North Carolina. He also commanded the NY City garrison during the Civil War draft riots and begged for help to avert them – help that his command never sent in time.
The building now at 326 Liberty St. Has been inspected in recent years by the state office of historic preservation and declared to have none of its 18th century fabric. It was used from about 1780 through 1960 as a tavern, hotel, store, meeting room, private home. It’s longest resident from the 1910’s through 1940’s was a blacksmith named John Clydesdale.
The collapsing structure has had many good wishes and intentions during its vacant years since the 1960’s but never the money nor viable plan to move, adapt or save it.