This park was constructed in 1903 and was lined with buildings to the north and south of it-none of which exist due to the urban renewal projects of the 1970’s. However, the park still exists and as Heritage Landscapes concluded through their report, still has many of the original path alignments, retaining walls, and other remnants that date from the initial park construction with limited alterations. But, the park had become “overgrown and decrepit” as one Newburgh resident described it. It was litered wth broken glass and seemed uninviting. Then came Ray Yannone of Storm King Building Company and landscaper Lynn Warren.
Mr. Ray Yannone is owner of the West Shore Train Station. While working on the reconstruction of the train station, he decided to make what seemed a simple pathway safe. Little did he know the historical importance of that simple pathway. With the help of Lynn Warren Landscaping and many other contributors the restoration of the park was a success. And the best part about it is, it cost the city zero dollars! Mayor Valentine had commented at the press conference that debuted the park, “I had actually gotten some calls that said, ‘Why are you spending all this money on a park when we have so many other budgetary problems?’” The reality of the case was that it was completed with donations and hard work by many people.
The bulk of the work is done now but, further improvements will be made in April. And, many of the plants will begin to sprout come the Spring weather. It will be so pretty! For more positive Newburgh news check out this link.
Sources (HV Press, Heritage Landscapes, Mid-Hudson News)
I believe you've misidentified the landscaper. Lynn Warren is the company.
According to the articles and subtitles of the photos provided, Lynn Warren is the name of the landscaper, and the company bears her name: Lynn Warren Landscaping, done by Lynn Warren. Here is her website: http://www.lynnwarrenlandscaping.com/index.htm
Yeah, but in the bog post you still call them "Lynn Warre Landscaping"… probably should fix that.