Orange County Rowing Association is seeking to raise $5,000 by March 22 to build a dock on the Hudson River. In furtherance of that goal, they are hosting a St. Patrick’s Day Cupcake Sale. Vice Chair and Co-Founder Megan Shedden, a gourmet cupcake baker and owner of Yummee Cupcake Cafe spearheaded this fundraising effort.
“All of our dedicated members are bringing their skills to bear to help us raise the money,” says Shedden. “I am happy to offer my services to help us toward our goal of improving the Newburgh waterfront.”
Cupcakes are available in three themed flavors: “Guinness”, “Green Velvet”, and “Bailey’s Irish Cream”, and are available as “mini” cupcakes or traditional size.
Orders can be placed on the OCRA Facebook page, Yummee Cupcake Cafe website, or by emailing the club at Send OCRA a message or click the image below for more information.