The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by Steven Rosas
Sci-fi film finishes five-week Newburgh shoot [HV Blogs]
Judge voids developer’s Newburgh project [THR]
A Bold Attempt to Bring Leather-Making Back to Detroit [Wired]
30 Things You Need to Know About The Hudson Valley Before You Move There [Huffington Post]
Newburgh B&B celebrates Fourth of July weekend rarity: guests [Hudson Valley Blogs]
Urban Gardner: A Celebration of the New Rest Area on Taconic State Parkway [WSJ]
Leveraging Anchor Institutions for Urban Success [CEO for Cities]
Why Community Investment Is Good for Nonprofit Anchor Institutions [Chapin Hall]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forgot to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise I can’t use them**