Photo by NR flickr user Steven Rosas. The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue.
Orange looks to boost tourism [THR]
New Habitat for Humanity home in Newburgh [THR]
Six Practical Reasons to Save Old Buildings [NTHP]
Three good reasons to invest in Missing Middle housing [Better! Cities & Towns]
Does Placemaking Cause Gentrification? It’s Complicated.[PPS]
How To: Glaze Windows [Craftsman Blog]
Why People Live Where They Do [City Lab]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forgot to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise I can’t use them**
-Boost Tourism: How about ending the ‘bed tax’ rather than looking to expand it directly into web booking services (a heads up to any Newburghers offering ‘short term’ rooms)? Apparently the politicos have given up on real industrial growth.
– Gentrification: The term doesn’t apply in the era of universal subsidies. I.e, the ‘Mid Housing’ shortage where in the correlated rise in price becomes an issue of ‘affordability’ rather than a symbol of economic growth. Apparently, having the cake and eating it too is the new norm. As per ‘Place Making’, Newburgh does a good job of relating its public spaces to the community with the only thing preventing people from walking is their own free will.
Though Will is free, there are but few takers. (you can quote me on that)–thanks for the inspiration, Walt!