The weekly link roundup is a collection of links related to Newburgh, revitalization, urban planning and anything else that might inspire change or create dialogue. Photo by HB
Tactical Urbanism Guide [TUG]
The Wastelands of Urban Renewal [City Lab]
Buffalo is a Winter City. Let’s Act Like One. [Buffalo Rising]
Copenhagen Wants Its Tourists To Become Locals [Pop Up City]
The Local Revolution Could Start on Your Computer [Strong Towns]
The Building Code Profession Is Dying Out, and That’s a Problem [City Lab]
The Racial Wealth Gap Is a Policy Problem, Not a Behavior Problem [Next City]
Newburgh Performing Arts Academy Comprised of Mostly Black, Latino Students [TWC]
Newburgh’s ‘Queen of the Hudson’ Concert Series Delights Performers and Audiences Alike [HV Mag]
Add your own photos depicting city life to the Newburgh Restoration flickr pool to be used on the blog, or email me. **Flickr users please do not forget to remove disabling of downloading of pictures. Otherwise, I can’t use them** Please do not take photos for your own use without consulting the photographer.
‘Er, the ‘policy’ isn’t racism… it’s theft and it’s color blind. But, hey, keep eating the distractions, the .1% is counting on you. Thanks to ‘policy’, $1 in 1971 is worth .17 today… What is this “wealth” the writer alludes to? The average American family is two pay checks away from insolvency. Higher edu? The writer links to a report on elite schools, hardly the norm. Still, Harvard has the lowest acceptance rate in the nation @ 5.9% and “minorities including blacks, Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans make up 40.6 percent of the current freshman class (’12)”. . Anecdotally, perhaps Newburgh’s city council member, a public educator, should be vying for an advanced manufacturing facility and associated college curriculum rather than a Hotel and ‘hospitality’ management’ courses. When robotics kicks the entire U.S. labor force in the arse is the small mindset crowd going to label i-robot a racist?
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
– + 1000 to Mr. Ludwig, his concert series are awesome, his work…exemplary.
-fwiw…when you want to ‘revolt’ against the ‘Centralized systems that aren’t local telling you what to do and how to live’, as they relate to commerce, you do it discreetly. ‘Else, next thing you know cash will be deemed ‘criminal’ and it’ll cost you $21.65 cyber bits to have the local ‘revolutionary’ feed your cat.