There are some great and probably for the most part, unseen photos of the City Club (aka the William Culbert House) over at the Calvert Vaux Preservation Alliance Facebook Fan Page. The clarity of the photos really gives a presence and a sense of the times. It’s clearly a good 40-50 years back. The Palatine Hotel which was located on the left is already demolished but, what looks like the ferry terminal towards the river is still in existence. You can see up close details of the furnishings, woodwork, light fixtures, fireplaces and more in color.
The pictures really heighten the lost history this building once possessed. Sadly it was burned, and now all that remains is a shell. The building isn’t necessarily on the market, but is for sale. It will take a ton of work to restore. Click here to see what it looks like now.
Still there are many people that want to see this building come back and reused for something new. Check out the Save the City Club Fan Page on Facebook. There are over 630 people that love the City Club and want to see it saved!
[highlight]**On a side note, Newburgh Restoration tries hard to give credit to the photographers and sources of the photos posted here. Please do not copy photos with out giving credit to the photographer AND the source/link of the photo, whether they be original photographs of this site, or historic photos that have been copied. If you see a photograph that has not been given proper credit, please email newburghrestoration(at)**[/highlight]