Press release:
The Newburgh Rowing Club became only the second rowing club in the nation to include Diversity Training as part of its USRowing Level 2 Coaching Certification program, said Coach Ed Kennedy, Programs Director of the Newburgh Rowing Club. Approximately 2 dozen coaches came to the Newburgh Rowing Club for Level 2 Coaching Certification, provided by officials of USRowing. USRowing is the governing body of the sport of rowing in America.
The Diversity Training portion is new, and the Newburgh Rowing Club became the second club in the nation to implement the training, which was prepared by Richard Butler, USRowing’s Inclusion Rowing Manager and the Director of America Rows.
“We are delighted to be a part of this moment in history,” said Coach Ed Kennedy. “Mrs. LoBiondo has been doing a fine job running the America Rows Newburgh program, for our young student ambassadors, of which we have about 50 right now. They are part of our inclusion rowing program. We had coaches from all over New York State joining us for this Coaching certification program. We are honored to be only the second club in the nation to offer the Diversity training, prepared by Mr. Butler, as part of the Level 2, or Performance Coaching, program. Coach Cunningham and I were pleased to assist the officials from USRowing who administered the program. We plan to continue on as a Coaching certification site for USRowing.”
For more information about the Newburgh Rowing Club, contact Coach Ed Kennedy at (845) 541-2313 or Team Mom Juliana LoBiondo at
Photo by Coach Edwin Cunningham
The Newburgh Rowing Club took the hit of losing Dept of Ed. financial backing and demonstrated what a determined group of people can do despite of, and perhaps inspite of, it. They wanted it, they were willing to work for it and the public recognized them for their efforts by supporting them. An example of ‘something for something’ that has proven to be a win/win for the club and the community.
Thank you Walt, for your support of the Newburgh Rowing Club. (Side note, the NFA High School Crew Team is the entity that was supported by the NECSD. Technically, the high school crew team is a Tenant of the Newburgh Rowing Club, but more importantly they are a fellow rowing team, and we share the same coach and some of the same rowers). Thanks again for taking the time to comment, Mrs. Lo
My support is cursory, the Newburgh Rowing Club’s continuance is a relevant component to the ‘City’s revitalization. In commenting on the reworking of the Newburgh water front, I previously cast aspersions on the coexistence of ‘community’ and ‘commercial’ development within this relatively small geographical area. The notion of not fulfilling its municipal role in the operation of the Newburgh Rowing Club is premature and short sighted on the ‘City’s part and, ironically, conflicts with their efforts to support its youth. However, apparently tptb feel it is in the best interest of the ‘City to circumvent any open debate what so ever to the extent that the NRC’s success is viewed as an ‘albatross’ in a larger agenda.